Sendit APK v3.1.1 - for instagram - Download for Android

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Jun 28, 2022
Apr 1, 2024
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Sendit serves as the control panel for your Instagram account. It allows you to streamline your workflow, improve your content, and create a strong presence on the platform. With features ranging from easy post-scheduling to detailed analytics, it equips you with all that is required to succeed at any part of an Instagram strategy.

Introducing the app Sendit: The Greatest Instagram Powerhouse Ever

Instagram has completely changed the way we interact, communicate, and grow communities online. It is a platform built on visuals with billions of users where each business, influencer, or person tries to make their mark. However, managing an ever-growing presence on this site can become very time-consuming and complicated. This is why we came up with Sendit – all your needs in one place for managing Instagram accounts efficiently and effectively; so that it does not take over your life but rather becomes a toolset that helps you work smarter, not harder while engaging more people than ever before.

Effortless Planning & Auto-Posting

With Sendit, don’t worry about posting at the right moment anymore. Our intuitive scheduling lets you:

  • Create Posts Ahead of Time: Type out captions, select images or videos then schedule them for days in advance or a single day.
  • Optimize for Wider Reach: Through its algorithm that knows how your followers behave; it suggests when exactly to post so as many eyes as possible see what you put out there.
  • Batch Schedule: Save yourself hours by planning weeks’ worth of content all at once.
  • Visual Calendar: Have the whole year’s strategy laid bare before your eyes on one clear calendar, which makes rearranging posts child’s play.
  • Never Miss A Post: You set it and forget it! Even offline, Sendit publishes everything automatically.

Seamless Content Creation

Sendit gives you all the tools needed to create beautiful Instagram posts directly within our app:

  • Full Editing Suite: Crop photos/videos better; add filters/brightness/contrast/saturation adjustments., etc.—everything available in other editing software packages is here too!
  • Templates That Catch The Eye: There are tons of professionally designed templates waiting for customization, whether they’re meant for story reels or regular feed posts. If you’re looking for even more template options, be sure to check out the Post Maker for Instagram – PostPlus.
  • Text & Graphics With Pizazz: Add unique graphic elements like stickers or text overlays which make content pop!
  • Hashtag Wizardry: Think up popular or relevant hashtags; the app generates them for you to help gain more followers and reach.

In-Depth Analytics & Insights

Sendit tells you everything there is to know about how well your Instagram account performs:

  • All Key Metrics In One Place: You can keep track of stuff like follower growth, impressions, reach, website clicks, or profile views – all these statistics are updated in real time.
  • Data That Tells A Story: Find out what kind of posts get people engaged – which were my best-performing ones? When were they most successful?
  • Compare Yourself With Others: See how you stack up against other users who operate in similar niches or industries; this will show where improvements may be necessary.
  • Custom Reports Made Easy: Create reports that matter most either for yourself (if using as a personal tool) or clients/management (if working under someone else).

Boosted Engagement Tools

You can build stronger relationships with your audience through features such as:

  • One Unified Inbox: All comments / direct messages can be managed right from one place making sure no interaction gets missed ever again!
  • Reply Fast With Templates: Save precious minutes by creating template responses to frequently asked questions; just find an appropriate one then hit send. Job done!
  • Hide Offensive Comments Automatically: Set certain words that should not appear anywhere near your page typed by anyone at any point – let alone shown publicly; let alone shown publicly on my page!
  • Keep On Top Of Brand Mentions Across IG: Monitor everywhere that mentions your brand occurs throughout this huge social network …and beyond. This way there is always time for responding promptly while also managing reputation effectively.

Smooth Team Collaboration

Designed for use by teams, Sendit includes various collaboration tools:

  • Multiple User Accounts: Manage more than one Instagram account from within Sendit’s central dashboard – saves logging in/out all day long!
  • Roles Determine Access Levels: Give different members different levels of access to certain features; this keeps everyone equipped without compromising control over everything.
  • Content Approval Workflows: Set up systems where higher ranking staff must approve content before it can go live on any given account i.e. brand guidelines.
  • Shared Content Library: Create a central bank/repository for all images, videos, etc., that different people may need at various times. This library should also have brand assets stored in it too!

Want To Change Your Instagram Game Forever?

Use Sendit to make your Instagram better. Try it for free now and find out what it’s like to manage everything from one place, boost involvement, and grow thanks to data. Sendit: The only thing you need for success on Instagram.

FAQs about the app Snedit

May I know if Sendit can be used on my smartphone?

Certainly! Sendit can be downloaded either from iOS or Android devices. This allows you to do most of the basic functions while on the move such as scheduling posts, creating content, monitoring analytics, and responding to comments and messages.

Is customer support available at Sendit?

Yes, Sendit gives immense importance to our users’ satisfaction with our service. Some support channels are available:

– Knowledge Base: An extensive library of help articles and tutorials.

– Email Support: Submitting a support request through our website

– Live Chat (Pro and Enterprise plans): Real-time assistance from our support team

Can I try out Sendit before purchasing a plan?

Definitely! There is a free trial period that enables you to have first-hand experience with Sendit. This gives enough time you to check out the features, test your workflow, and determine if it suits your Instagram management needs or not.


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