Free Music-Listen to mp3 songs APK 2.5.13 Free Download
yeemusic player inc.Released on
Dec 26, 2018Updated
Mar 28, 2024Size
5.0Get it on

yeemusic player inc.Released on
Dec 26, 2018Updated
Mar 28, 2024Size
5.0Get it on
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Free Music is a music player that lets you enjoy millions of free songs and music videos. Visit our Discover page to find the newest trending music. With categories for all types of sounds, it’s never been easier to organize and stream your favorite music. Enjoy the main features of Free Music-Listen to mp3 songs:
- Unlimited streaming – Play any music you want, from hip-hop to electronic or reggae to pop.
- Listen to free online music that’s automatically personalized according to your preference.
- Create an infinite number of playlists and organize your music.
- Enjoy the beautifully designed site.
- Get hot new music early with different categories.
- Listen to your favorite songs and enjoy the immense library of free music on Music’s streaming service.
- Add your favorite tunes to your playlist and listen to them anytime you want with the floating video player.
- Control the music on the screen with your fingers, and listen to it on headphones or speakers!
- Listen to the music of your choice in several different playback modes such as single-loop, random, or loop.